In Home Rates

Paint Color Consultation In Home Hourly Rates - $125 per hour for your initial paint color consultation. Initial consultations on average run 2-3 hours.

When choosing paint colors for your home many variables effect your color choices -- natural light, home lighting, furnishings, art work and rugs. An In-Home Consultation is the best option when choosing the optimal color for your home.

For larger projects, you may decide on two package options - After an initial consultation (1-3 Hours), 5 hour packages for $500 or 10 hour packages for $1,000 can be purchased, which may include, painting sample colors on your walls, product selection and much more.

About Company

America's Color Consultants, LLC is a franchisor located in Virginia. Our company mission is to create a working environment with flexible working hours so that our consultants can put their families first. We strive to maintain a brand that means quality, great customer service, and the most effective paint color consulting work in the industry.

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Are you an art or design student, or simply curious about a future profession as a paint color consultant? America's Color Consultants love their careers. Contact a local consultant to inquire about an internship.

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